Assessment Center Preparation

Prepare for a promotion through guided practice and feedback sessions to improve your skills and confidence level

Key Elements

This class focuses on the key element of the typical assessment center including the Oral Interview, Employee Problem, In-Basket, and Oral Presentation.

Target Audience

Moxie’s assessment center prep class is especially designed for fire and police department promotional candidates.


Formal practice and feedback sessions will improve skill and confidence levels to prepare you for your assessment.

Prepping for a Promotion

Maximize your chances of success.

Many Fire and Police departments require promotional candidates to successfully complete an Assessment Center before they are eligible for promotion. The Assessment Center Prep class focuses on the key elements of a typical assessment center including the Oral Interview, Employee Problem, In-Basket, Oral Presentation. The dimensions of your particular department will be emphasized and practiced throughout the day allowing feedback, leading to improved skills and confidence levels.

Some departments require the Assessment Center responses to be videotaped and viewed by the assessors. This can be a challenging aspect to the process so we will also video tape presentations and provide real time feedback for improvements. This allows you to practice being videotaped and the opportunity to make small (or large) adjustments prior to the assessor review. It’s possible to know the “correct” answer but not present it professionally which could result in a lower assessment center score.

Lisa is happy to chat with you about the assessment center prep content and format. In a few minutes, she can discuss how the process works and possible options to explore.

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